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Next tab will go to the map. Use this link to skip the station map.What are the exclusive coupons for top tier members?
Privilège members are entitled to 2 exclusive coupons, and Premier members to 4. You'll have the choice of one promotional offer per coupon, including discounts to save on your next trip or instant bonus points. All promotional offers are valid for travel during the benefit period to which your Privilège or Premier status applies. Any unused coupons will expire at the end of the benefit period on April 30.
All promotional offers involving points must be processed through the VIA Préférence Service Centre at 1 888 VIA-PREF (842-7733). All other offers must be processed through VIA Rail customer service at 1 888 VIA-RAIL (842-7245) or TTY 1 800 268-9503 (for persons with a hearing or speech disability).