Niagara Falls train station

Opening Hours

Additional comments

Station opens 30 minutes prior to train arrival and remains open for 30 minutes after train departure.


Getting there and around town

Car rental icon

Car rental

– Website:

Taxi icon


Niagara Falls Taxi
– Tel: (905) 357-4000
– Website:

Bus icon


City of Niagara Bus Service
– Tel: (905) 356-1179
– Website:

– Chair-A-Van (Accessible) – Tel: (905) 357-0122
– Intercity Bus – Tel: (905) 357-2133

Metrolinx GO Transit
– Tel: (416) 869-3200
– Toll free: 1-888-GET-ON-GO (438-6646)
– Website:

Suburban Train icon

Suburban Train

Metrolinx GO Transit
– Tel: (416) 869-3200
– Toll free: 1-888-GET-ON-GO (438-6646)
– Website:

Carpool services icon

Carpool services

UBER – Website:

Parking icon


Free unsupervised parking, long and short term.

Station services


Specific needs and accessibility features

Accessible services available at this stations upon departure and arrival:

  • The entrance to the train station is accessible by wheelchair
  • The platform is accessible by wheelchair
  • A wheelchair lift is available
  • A courtesy wheelchair is available to assist during boarding



Access to station, washrooms and trains.

For Wheelchair lift requests, a 48 hour notice is required.  Advance arrangements required, call 1-888-VIA-RAIL.


Service animal relief area (SARA)

This station is equipped with a service animal relief area (SARA): a quiet place where service animals can relieve themselves, which is essential before and after a train journey with their owners. The service animal relief area is located close to the VIA flag post, on the edge of asphalt and grass (track facing).

Contact information


4267 Bridge Street
Niagara Falls, ON, L2E 2R6, Canada

Station is located near Whirpool Bridge, 4km from the Falls and 2 blocks from downtown

WHIRLPOOL BRIDGE : Open from 7:00 to 23:00. No access unless in possession of a Nexus Pass. Pass is available to both Canadian & American residents. Everyone in the vehicule must have the Nexus Pass in order to cross this bridge. Contact Canadian Customs at 905-354-6323.

RAINBOW BRIDGE : Take Rainbow Bridge onto Q.E.W. and follow to 2nd traffic light, Stanley Avenue. Turn right and follow Stanley Avenue to the 3rd traffic light, Bridge Street. Turn right and follow to the VIA train station, which is on the left hand side.

PEACE BRIDGE : Take Peace Bridge to Q.E.W. and follow to the exit at Niagara Falls that says: "Bridge to USA, HWY 420, The Falls." Follow the 420 to the 1st traffic light, which is Stanley Avenue. Turn left. Follow to the 3rd traffic light, which is Bridge Street. Turn right. Follow Bridge Street to the VIA train station, which is on the left hand side.

QUEENSTON/LEWISTON BRIDGE : After Customs and toll booth, take the 405 HWY to Stanley Avenue exit. Turn right at the stop sign and right again at the yeld sign onto Stanley Avenue. Follow Stanley Avenue to the 2nd traffic light, Thorold Stone Road. Turn left and around the curve is still Stanley Avenue. 1st traffic light is Bridge Street. Turn left onto Bridge Street and follow to the VIA train station, which is on the left hand side.

Arrivals and departures

T : (888) 842-7245

Information and reservations
T : (888) 842-7245