Senneterre train station

Opening Hours


Monday Wednesday Friday
20h30 to 22h00
Tuesday and Thursday
05h00 to 06h15
08h00 to 09h15

Ticket Counter

Monday Wednesday Friday
20h30 to 22h00
Tuesday and Thursday
05h00 to 06h15
08h00 to 09h15

Getting there and around town

Taxi icon


Taxi 819 737-2121

Bus icon


Intercity (Maheux) 819 737-4276

Parking icon


Outdoor parking, long term.

Station services

Specific needs and accessibility features

Accessible services available at this stations upon departure and arrival:

  • The platform is accessible by wheelchair


No other access by wheelchair.


Service animal relief area (SARA)

This station is equipped with a service animal relief area (SARA): a quiet place where service animals can relieve themselves, which is essential before and after a train journey with their owners. The service animal relief area is located close to the wall (track facing).

Contact information


171, 4ième rue ouest
Senneterre, QC, J0Y 2M0, Canada

Arrivals and departures

T : (888) 842-7245

Ticket Counter

T : (819) 737-2979

Information and reservations
T : (888) 842-7245