St. Catharines train station

Opening Hours

Additional comments

Station opens as a shelter 60 minutes prior to train arrival and remains open for 30 minutes after train departure.

Getting there and around town

Bus icon


City transit and for handicapped 905-685-4271
Intercity 905-682-9206 Gray Coach.

Parking icon


Free parking

Station services


Specific needs and accessibility features

Accessible services available at this stations upon departure and arrival:

  • The entrance to the train station is accessible by wheelchair
  • The platform is accessible by wheelchair
  • A wheelchair lift is available
  • A courtesy wheelchair is available to assist during boarding



Access to station and washrooms.

For Wheelchair lift requests, a 48 hour notice is required.  Advance arrangements required, call 1-888-VIA-RAIL.


Service animal relief area (SARA)

This station is equipped with a service animal relief area (SARA): a quiet place where service animals can relieve themselves, which is essential before and after a train journey with their owners. The service animal relief area is located close to the bike rike, on the edge of asphalt and grass.

Contact information


5 Great Western St.
St. Catharines, ON, L2S 2K3, Canada

1 km west of intersection of St-Paul Street with Ontario West Chester (off HWY 406), along St-Paul Trentway-Wagar (1.5 km from station) (Carlyle St)

Arrivals and departures

T : (888) 842-7245

Information and reservations
T : (888) 842-7245