Bathurst train station

Opening Hours


Monday and Thursday
07h30 to 11h00
Wednesday and Friday
19h30 to 22h00
07h30 to 10h00
17h30 to 22h00

Ticket Counter

Monday and Thursday
07h30 to 11h00
Wednesday and Friday
19h30 to 21h00
07h30 to 09h00
17h30 to 21h00

Getting there and around town

Parking icon


Free parking. Long and short term.

Station services


Specific needs and accessibility features

Accessible services available at this stations upon departure and arrival:

  • The entrance to the train station is accessible by wheelchair
  • The platform is accessible by wheelchair
  • A wheelchair lift is available
  • A courtesy wheelchair is available to assist during boarding



Access to station, ticket office, washrooms and trains. Also available, wheelchair and wheelchair lift.


Service animal relief area (SARA)

This station is equipped with a service animal relief area (SARA): a quiet place where service animals can relieve themselves, which is essential before and after a train journey with their owners. The service animal relief area is located next to the street lamp (track facing).

Contact information


690 Thornton Ave.
Bathurst, NB, E2A 2W8, Canada

Arrivals and departures

T : (888) 842-7245

Ticket Counter

T : (506) 546-2659

Information and reservations
T : (888) 842-7245