Brampton train station

Travel informationTRAVEL INFORMATION

How to Get to the Platform at Brampton Station

All passengers are asked to remain in the station until the scheduled automated announcement informs them on how to get to the appropriate platform. Once outside, there are underground tunnels (east and West) to get to the platforms.

Opening Hours

Additional comments

Station opens 60 minutes prior to train arrival and remains open for 30 minutes after train departure.

Ticket purchases will need to be made online or by phone.

Getting there and around town

Bus icon


City-BRMP Transit 905-874-2999
Go Transit 416-869-3200
Hearing-impaired 800-387-3652
Handicapped-Peel Transhelp 905-791-1015
Intercity-Gray Coach 416-393-7911

Suburban Train icon

Suburban Train

Go Transit 416-869-3200

Parking icon


Shared with Go Transit, VIA does not assume responsibility.

Station services


Specific needs and accessibility features

Accessible services available at this stations upon departure and arrival:

  • The entrance to the train station is accessible by wheelchair
  • The platform is accessible by wheelchair
  • A wheelchair lift is available
  • A courtesy wheelchair is available to assist during boarding



Access to station, washrooms and trains.

For Wheelchair lift requests, a 48 hour notice is required.  Advance arrangements required, call 1-888-VIA-RAIL.


Service animal relief area (SARA)

This station is equipped with a service animal relief area (SARA): a quiet place where service animals can relieve themselves, which is essential before and after a train journey with their owners. The service animal relief area is located on the left corner of the wall.

Contact information


31 Church Street West
Brampton, ON, L6X 1H2, Canada

2 blocks north of Queen Street, 1 street west of Main street, near highway 10.

Arrivals and departures

T : (888) 842-7245

Information and reservations
T : (888) 842-7245